Impact-Driven Leadership Insights

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Restorative Conversations vs. Letting Employees Go: Which Path to Take?

I don’t know how to reconcile something…  It’s been said that for employees, wisdom is to “hire slow; fire fast”.  But is that wisdom helpful?   I just experienced a conversation between my teenage son, his boss, and his boss’ boss (I have multiple sons, so I hope this helps with anonymity). My son and his […]
May 31, 2024
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From Asset-size to Impact-size: What I learned about the future of Community Foundations from facilitating a CEO retreat

“We must change the language of how we describe ourselves to fit why we’re here.” These words were spoken to me by Simeon Banister, the CEO of the Rochester Area Community Foundation.  We recently facilitated a series of impact-driven leadership workshops for CEOs of community foundations from across the country at the CEONet spring retreat. […]
April 29, 2024
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Leading Like a Maestro: Focusing on ‘Who’ Not ‘How’

“Tucker, every time we talk about revenue your energy plummets…” That’s what Aaron Cohen, my coach and now our Chief Growth Officer at THRIVE IMPACT, said to me early last year.  Realization came crashing in all at once. I had created a system around me where I was the one accountable and responsible for everything […]
March 29, 2024
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Clarity & Kindness

“Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.” This is my favorite quote of Brene Brown’s because it is SO true. Within that quote, the best part is the second sentence. Why? Because often, we fail to realize the harmful consequences of not being honest with ourselves or others. But if you’ve ever been on the end […]
February 28, 2024
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The THRIVERS Manifesto v2

We feel the speed and complexity of change forcing a shift in our communities and teams in our work with impact-driven organizations every day. We see firsthand that traditional leadership models no longer suffice. They’re growing more irrelevant as every day goes by and in fact are often hurting the most important part of our […]
February 28, 2024
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The Inner Workings of Creating Alignment

This month, we at THRIVE IMPACT facilitated a workshop for a well-known community foundation. The goal seemed simple: to help staff and board align on what had been accomplished last year and invite folks to imagine the future. Of course, nothing is simple, particularly when an organization is large and a lot is going on, […]
January 31, 2024
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The Imperative of Rest for Impact-Driven Leaders: Insights from Professional Athletes

Professional athletes’ training regimens require the balance between performance and recovery, otherwise injury becomes much more prevalent. Recovery periods are vital for the body to rest, rejuvenate, and repair. As Lebron James’ trainer says, “We keep recovery as our number one focus.” While it seems to make sense for these professionals, why has this concept […]
January 31, 2024
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Looking Behind & Ahead…

In the tapestry of THRIVE IMPACT’s year, there’s a consistent thread that weaves through every story: “healing.” Our strategic planning and leadership workshops, often perceived as the “cheese,” became a vessel for the “medicine”—transformative, profound healing experiences. This year, amidst the many challenges impact-driven leaders faced, THRIVE IMPACT emerged as a sanctuary. Here are some […]
December 22, 2023
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Space For Solitude

The coming of the end of the year always brings out a spirit of contemplation in me—questions about what we are really doing here and why. But more than that, the end of the year invites some solitude. When I have space for this solitude, there are a few favorite things I listen to, consider, […]
December 22, 2023
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“If we want to lead well in the world, the first place we need to lead well is within ourselves.”

We facilitated a workshop about “Impact-Driven Leadership for the Next Normal” for a community foundation we are working with. The workshop had a profound impact on the participants, as it delved into the neuroscience behind effective leadership and its relevance in the fast-paced modern world. We began by addressing the significance of “CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP” in […]
November 6, 2023
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Discovering Our Working Genius

Have you ever sat at your desk and wondered if you are bringing value to your team?  Have you ever felt criticized for not being “good” at something that was asked of you?  Earlier this year, I felt weighed down by a belief that I didn’t bring as much value to my team as I […]
October 13, 2023
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Co-creating Your Future WITH Your Community

When you think of the process of coming up with a strategic plan, what comes to mind?  If you lean towards the traditional methods, it means hiring a consultant who takes the upper leadership into a room for a handful of sessions and comes out with a strategic plan for the organization to implement.  You […]
October 11, 2023
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