Looking Behind & Ahead…

December 22, 2023 | 
3 minute read

In the tapestry of THRIVE IMPACT’s year, there’s a consistent thread that weaves through every story: “healing.” Our strategic planning and leadership workshops, often perceived as the “cheese,” became a vessel for the “medicine”—transformative, profound healing experiences.

This year, amidst the many challenges impact-driven leaders faced, THRIVE IMPACT emerged as a sanctuary. Here are some stories from 2023… 

  • Board and staff relationships, once strained, underwent significant reconciliation 
  • Colleagues, estranged by animosity, discovered healing through shared tears, deep listening, and vulnerability through a conscious leadership workshop.
  • One nonprofit leader who was able to get through one of the worst mental health years in his life because of our community
  • Many of our THRIVERS spoke on our podcast about the healing and impact of our community. Here are some excerpts:
    •  “THRIVERS really was like my life raft because all of a sudden I wasn’t alone.” – Lisa
    • “…the cadence of weekly goals and having this accountability group that held me to reporting out what I said I was going to do.” – Beth
    • “…being able to have this group as a real safe place for peeling back those layers and to be vulnerable.” – Amy
    • “Break Free from Impostor Syndrome, Cultivate Your Agency, and Achieve Your Ultimate Career Goals. I feel like I got it from THRIVERS” – Dr Stephanie
  • Another nonprofit leader shared about a “life-changing” experience because of coaching as part of our program

If you had asked us at the start of the year what our one-word summary of 2023 would be, we wouldn’t have said it would be healing. And yet we’re SO glad it shaped up that way. Here’s what it looked like along the way…

We engaged in three main types of work in 2023: capacity-building, leadership workshops, and organizational strategy.  Here’s some data about the difference some of our work made this year.

Capacity Building: We engaged (8) nonprofit organizations in a six-month capacity-building program designed to strengthen their resilience, supported by the Pikes Peak Community Foundation.

  • People loved the experience: The average workshop rating was 9.1 out of 10
  • Participants reduced burnout: 83% of participants agreed that participating in the THRIVERS program decreased their feelings of burnout.
  • Participants grew in their ability to be self-reflective leaders as measured by a pre-post assessment. There was an aggregate growth from pre to post on all dimensions of the scale, with the largest average increases in the following items:
    • I read the dynamics of groups.
    • I use self-assessment tools such as personality inventories to inform my self-reflections.
    • I work to understand others’ perspectives.
    • I seek feedback from all relevant constituencies about my behavioral impact.  

Workshops: Our Awakening Conscious Leadership and THRIVE IMPACT 101 workshops made a huge impact. 

  • People loved the experience: The average rating was 9.2 out of 10. 
  • Individuals grew in their knowledge of leadership: 95% agreed or strongly agreed that the training enhanced their knowledge of conscious leadership. 
  • Individuals gained practical tools to take back with them: 93.3% agreed or strongly agreed that they learned a practical tool they could use.

Strategy: Finally, our strategy work helped organizations co-create their future.

  • People loved the experience: The average workshop rating was 9.1 out of 10.
  • People learned more about their strengths: 92.8% agreed or strongly agreed that they learned more about the organization’s strengths.
  • People felt excited about their future: 91.2% agreed or strongly agreed that they felt excited about the future of the organization.

Beyond the metrics and milestones, our true impact lies in being a source of healing. 

As Peter Senge observes, our “prevailing system of management is destroying people.” A core belief for us at THRIVE is that creating impact from the inside out through Conscious Leadership (individual healing), Co-creative Leadership (group healing), and Collective Orchestration (organizational structures that reinforce learning and healing) is the antidote, fostering resilience, unity, and personal restoration. 

In the symphony of our year, healing resonates as the harmonious chord, leaving a profound imprint on the tapestry of each transformed leader and organization.

And we can’t wait for 2024.

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