The mission alone isn't enough anymore.

$3,400 out of every $10k
in salary is lost
due to disengagement of
burned out employees
of impact-driven workers are burned out
lost every year by organizations due to burnout

Impact-driven leaders need new tools to overcome new problems.

We developed The Impact Cycle™ to create alignment at all levels of your organization.

Every impact-driven organizations operates in these five areas. We use this tool to help orgs identify where they're stuck. Then we co-create a plan to move forward using science-backed frameworks like appreciative inquiry and more.


Inclusive and collaborative leadership empowers every person in your organization to align around a shared vision.


Your day-to-day activities determine how far and how fast you move towards your mission and the impact you desire.


Measuring the outcomes and outputs of your efforts educate strategic decisions on where to allocate time and finances.


Creative fundraising and revenue generation expand your ability to properly resource the programs you're passionate about.


The clarity with which you share your impact with the world drives buy-in from your team and your financial supporters alike.

Nonprofit leaders serve our communities…

…who serves our nonprofit leaders?

Imagine the impact you could have with…
Organizational alignment
Collaborative leadership
Increased revenue
Systems-aware mindset
Shared objectives
Learning-focused culture

It’s time to have the impact your community needs you to have.

Our approach helps you do that.

Reduce isolation & loneliness

of leaders in our community said they felt less isolated and alone

Improve culture

improved their relationships with other staff members

Increase revenue

of leaders in our community significantly increased revenue

Build a learning organization

agree their teams are more open to new ideas

Generate buy-in

agree the strategic direction excites them for the future

Increase adaptability

agree their staff is interested in better ways of doing things

Here's what impact-driven leaders say about working with us

“The THRIVERS community has been such a safe space of support. Having the accountability around goals for the week related to fundraising has been a game-changer.”

Lisa Simms Booth

Executive Director
Smith Center for Healing and the Arts
“THRIVE IMPACT did an amazing job facilitating our strategic planning process. There was a lot of new data, historical perspectives and personality nuances that could have easily derailed us from achieving our goals. Their credibility, knowledge, and personalities were the reasons why we were able to get the clarity we needed!”

Lissa Goldenstein

Board Chair
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association
“Our main revenue stream started to dry up and we needed to find the path forward. THRIVE IMPACT helped us find three new revenue strategies and started to see our revenue increase right away.”

Nantz Rickard

President & CEO
“We have fully incorporated the board work we did with Thrive Impact and are cooking with gas with new programs, new fundraising initiatives, etc. They really catapulted us!"

Marchelle Sellers

Artists for Peace and Justice, NYC
“I loved the inclusivity of the process the best. Based on the THRIVE IMPACT process, we engaged everyone, from our front desk agent to the chair of the board.”

Stacy Brinkley

President & CEO
The Doorways

Impact and alignment are closer than you realize.

Schedule A Call

Tell us about the gaps between where you are and where you dream to be.

Get Aligned

We identify the biggest areas of opportunity and guide you through aligning your team.

Realize Your Impact

Finally make the difference you set out to make in the first place—inside and outside your organization.

Create sustainable impact and lead with confidence

Have you ever felt…
…the pain of an irrelevant strategic plan?
…the tension as your team struggles to understand their priorities, roles, and authority?
…burnout looming overhead making you wonder if it’s even worth it anymore?


Let us encourage you for a moment… As a nonprofit leader, you’re doing important work. Life-changing work. Work that’s too important to give up. Work that’s too important to keep struggling with the same problems.

THRIVE IMPACT exists to help nonprofit leaders grow revenue, avoid burnout, and create impact. The kind of impact you dreamed about when you first started. The kind of impact your community needs. The kind of impact you know you can have.

As seasoned nonprofit leaders ourselves, we know the struggles firsthand. Which is why we don’t dispense advice from a distance pretending we have all the answers. In fact, you and your team already have everything you need to thrive. The key is creating the right space, drawing it out, and aligning everyone around implementation.

We get into the trenches with you, helping you create alignment at all levels of your organization. From the newest hire on the front lines to the most senior board member. Whether it’s strategic planning, program evaluation, revenue growth, community building, or strategies for getting your message heard, we’re here to help you.


How are you different from other consulting firms?

Because people have energy towards what they get to create, we work less like consultants bringing you answers and more like guides unlocking the best of your team. Our nonprofit expertise comes through how we facilitate and we co-create with you to ensure you can actually implement the strategies you need to move forward.

Can you help us build a strategic plan we can actually implement?

Absolutely. Helping nonprofits with strategic planning is some of our core work. We’ve developed a strategic planning process that leverages decades of our own experience, relevant neuroscience, and the ability to lean into the strengths of your specific organization. Check out our podcast to learn more about our approach!

What about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging?

Co-creation is one of our core values and for all of our workshops and experiences, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to be provided with what they need to learn and engage, to be provided with the opportunity for their voice and lived experience to be heard, and we create safe space for non-consensus views to be brought in. "Nothing about us without us."

Why impact-driven leaders?

Because we believe impact-driven leaders change the world. We’ve experienced firsthand the highs and lows of starting, growing, and scaling impact-driven organizations. When impact-driven leaders realize their potential, everyone wins. And we believe the world is better when you’re making an impact.