Speaking & Facilitation

Equip your audience and team to take what they learn beyond the walls into a bright future that awaits.

Rooted in neuroscience. Driven by co-creation.

Our approach to facilitation and keynotes employs a deep understanding of neuroscience and how we learn best as humans, resulting in increased comprehension, retention, and impact.

Every session is tailored specifically to your event or organization and the overaching desired outcome.

Crafting experiences, not speeches.

The right experience, the right way.


From addressing a single-topic issue inside a team to shifting paradigms across the entire organization, our neuroscience and conscious leadership based approach to facilitation creates safe, inclusive, and productive environments for building forward momentum.


Crafted sessions designed to engage and equip your audience to make the most of their entire event experience both in the moment and in the weeks and months that follow.

Impact-driven leaders across the country are experiencing new ways of creating larger impact.

"This was a room full of type A personalities, most of whom have attended more sessions like this than you can possibly imagine. Unquestionably, this was in the top 10% of any that I've ever attended. Well done."

Community Foundation CEO

"The framing of the social science, science and facilitation was excellent!"

Community Foundation CEO

"The content was great! I appreciated the interactivity of the iPad doodles vs PowerPoint slides. The crowdsourced QR codes were great to see how more people were thinking, not just those that spoke."

Colorado Springs, CO Government Employee

"Thank you for helping us connect with each other and ourselves in a meaningful way!"

Colorado Springs, CO Government Employee

"I appreciated the openness and essentially the permission that was granted to be honest and vulnerable."

Colorado Springs, CO Government Employee

Our starting topics...

The goals of every event and organization are unique. So are our sessions. We design every session in a co-creative manner to suit your audience, organization, and goals.

Conscious leadership is a technique that involves leaders becoming more self-aware and responsible for their actions. It's about guiding others with full awareness of the self and cultivating growth in organizations. Conscious leaders are skilled in self-awareness and self-management, especially of their emotions. They are empathetic, compassionate, and able to connect with their teams at a deeper level.

  • Neuroscience of Conscious Leadership
  • Mindfulness practices for reducing burnout and increase resilience
  • Reframing stress and self-doubt as a resource

Co-creative leadership is a style of leadership that involves leaders, teams, and organizations working together to create a healthy culture. It's a way of being that allows all perspectives to be heard, and can help people feel invested, engaged, and fulfilled.

  • Reframing power of appreciative questions
  • Unlocking the collective wisdom of any group through inclusive interactions and psychological safety
  • Co-creation operating system - How to embed Co-creation into your organization
  • Effective sense-making

Collective Orchestration is the work of building synergy among your teams by making sure the right person is in the right seat. Collective Orchestration builds systems to support each employee in knowing themselves better, and their role better, and building systems to reduce silos so the team can row in the same direction.

  • Building high-quality relationships, psychological capital, and trust
  • Job Crafting and Working Genius
  • Roles: Defining roles and using the DARCI framework
  • Rhythms: Supporting learning, trying, and testing as an organization
  • Results: Setting measurable goals or big rocks, stake board, and 30-60-90 goal structures

Community Impact is the action of deliberately improving one’s surroundings – whether that is through directly changing behaviors, educating others, or contributing to nonprofits & other mission-driven organizations.

  • How to create data-driven impact
  • Facilitating community listening
    • Nurture: Ensuring success BEFORE and AFTER a gathering
    • Design: Delivering experiences to achieve our goals and outcomes and center relationships
    • Facilitate: Crafting experiences so all parties feel safe, heard, and included while meeting objectives
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