Clarity & Kindness

February 28, 2024 | 
1 minute read

“Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.” This is my favorite quote of Brene Brown’s because it is SO true. Within that quote, the best part is the second sentence. Why? Because often, we fail to realize the harmful consequences of not being honest with ourselves or others. But if you’ve ever been on the end of a lack of clarity, you know it is unkind because, without clarity, we don’t know how to move forward–and that steals our mental and emotional energy. 

What does it look like to be clear in a kind manner? We’ve been working to answer this question in various ways here at THRIVE IMPACT over the last month. 

  • We’ve helped organizations get clearer on the reporting around their strategic plans, creating visual dashboards that clearly display and help align folks on progress–measurable and not! 
  • We’ve helped individuals whose relationships have broken down to find space to recommit to working forward in support of the mission they both care about. 
  • We’ve supported staff members to step into their confidence and own their expertise with their boards while also inviting the board into a new role of co-creator rather than just approver. 

What does kind clarity look, sound, and feel like? It can feel scary and vulnerable, but ultimately, it leads to progress, innovation, and better impact. 

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