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Engaging Your Board During COVID-19

In our April 14th conversation, Cindy Hallberin, veteran nonprofit CEO and board member of four boards, answered these questions as our guest.
April 15, 2020
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Why Nonprofit CEOs Must Deal with Conflict

All Nonprofit CEOs have conflict. Sometimes people say I am crazy, but I don’t believe that conflict is necessarily a bad thing. Maybe it is because I spent nearly a decade managing national conflict resolution programs at the United States Postal Service. Or maybe it is because my life story has been shaped by some […]
April 8, 2020
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How Nonprofits Can Get CARES Act Aid

In our April 7th conversation, Manny Cosme, CEO of the accounting firm CFO Services Group, answered these questions as our guest. Speaking of generosity, Manny’s company, CFO Services Group is offering free coronavirus crisis financial planning sessions — and yes, nonprofits can participate.
April 7, 2020
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Making the Donors the Hero of the Story

How many times have you opened your inbox to see an email from a nonprofit that starts something like this: “If you give just 15 cents a day, nonprofit X  can save the life of a child living in poverty.” Or, “Nonprofit X is the best steward of your dollars. 95% of your donations go […]
April 2, 2020
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What’s the Best Leadership Advice You’ve Received? 7 Nuggets From My Years As A Nonprofit CEO

Anyone who knows me knows I’m a junkie for the latest trends in business or leadership books. I am the kind of person who loves envisioning ways to enable cultures to thrive and processes to be more efficient and effective. Honestly, whenever you’re hired as a turnaround CEO with nonprofits facing financial shortfalls and burned […]
March 25, 2020
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Donors Aren’t ATM Machines!

During my tenure leading charitable organizations, there is one thing that I quickly noticed. It was happening in my organizations and when I looked around, I saw it happening in other mission focused organizations as well. The “it” I’m referring to is that we sometimes treated our donors like they were ATM machines. When we […]
March 9, 2020
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Three Words for 2020

Happy New Year! You may be totally into new year’s resolutions. But if you’re like me, they don’t work very well for execution on a daily basis. Mainly because what I need are guideposts along the way that help me make focused decisions. So, what I’ve found much more helpful is a practice called “My […]
January 2, 2020
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