THRIVERS is taking a short break during the summer and we're looking forward to releasing more episodes soon!

THRIVERS: Nonprofit Leadership for the Next Normal

This is a podcast for nonprofit leaders. Why?

The landscape has never been more challenging. Lots of noise competing for revenue. Staff turnover is at an all-time high. Burnout is real.

Many leaders are trying to do everything by themselves. The truth is you’re not meant to do it alone.

Welcome to THRIVERS. This is a community of nonprofits leaders sharing the best ideas, cheering each other on in their wins, and innovating in a rapidly changing world.

Get nonprofit leadership insights right here online or on your favorite podcast player.

EP 14: Rhythms for Effective Collaboration and Scale with Charlee Tchividjian & Alessandra Thomas

In this episode, unlock the power of rhythms for effective collaboration and scaling impact in your organization. Learn how to establish clear and consistent rhythms within your team and empower your staff to be the CEO of their responsibilities.
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EP 13: Capacity Building 2.0 – Part 1: Building a Collaborative Learning Environment

THRIVE IMPACT and Pikes Peak Community Foundation are working together to increase resilience, build social capital, and empower community based nonprofits to do their best work. Hear directly from a nonprofit leader on how this has impacted his work.
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EP 12: 2 Activities + 6 Questions to Enter 2023 with Energy & Clarity

Are you scrambling after a hectic year? That means it’s time to pause and reflect. You’re not a machine. When humans pause and reflect, we learn. Discover 2 activities and 6 powerful questions that can take you into 2023 with more energy and clarity.
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EP 11: Creating a Generosity Experience with Tim Sarrantonio

Do you want to know a secret to unlocking revenue? Don’t focus on the revenue. Focus on the donor by creating a generosity experience that encourages your donors to give in a self-actualized way that results in healthy, long-term giving relationships.
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EP 10: How Skateboards Help Get Things Done Faster (& Better)

Get. Stuff. Done. We’ve all heard it. We all KNOW it needs to be done. And we even all WANT to do it. So what stops us? Enter the skateboard analogy. The tool (toy?) you didn’t know you needed that will increase productivity AND buy-in.
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EP 9: Ditching Top-Down Approaches to Change: Interview with Indy Frazee

How can nonprofit EDs & CEOs get more buy-in and create a more inclusive environment where their team feels like their voices are valued and part of the creation of strategy? It’s time to ditch the “top-down” leadership style and co-create.
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EP 8: What We’re Learning: Straight Up

We love learning. And helping others learn. One of the best methods is sharing what you’re learning with peers. Tucker and Sarah do exactly that through an open discussion about what they’re learning, including a recent moment of interpersonal conflict.
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EP 7: The Case for Leadership Development

There are a lot of levers to pull around increasing the impact nonprofits can have in the world. Strangely, the most impactful is also the most overlooked: leadership development. Let’s talk about why that is and why some leadership development programs f
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EP 6: Take Extreme Ownership

Ever feel like your organization is running you instead of the other way around? We have, too. This episode tackles how to harness that momentum to put you in the driver’s seat.
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EP 5: Our Journey of Effective Strategic Planning – An Interview with Dr. Cynthia Whitaker

Curious to hear the outcome of putting the strategic planning practices we’ve been talking into action? Dr. Cynthia Whitaker shares the impact and outcomes it had in her organization in this episode.
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EP 4: Strategic Planning – Part 4: Learning Organizations

Learning doesn’t happen by accident. So why and how do we lean in and create an environment that fosters learning? This episode covers exactly that.
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EP 3: Strategic Planning – Part 3: Data-Driven Alignment

Our third episode in the 4-part series on Strategic Planning looks at the role of data in supporting nonprofits to understand their unique value and demonstrate their impact.
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