THRIVERS is taking a short break during the summer and we're looking forward to releasing more episodes soon!

THRIVERS: Nonprofit Leadership for the Next Normal

This is a podcast for nonprofit leaders. Why?

The landscape has never been more challenging. Lots of noise competing for revenue. Staff turnover is at an all-time high. Burnout is real.

Many leaders are trying to do everything by themselves. The truth is you’re not meant to do it alone.

Welcome to THRIVERS. This is a community of nonprofits leaders sharing the best ideas, cheering each other on in their wins, and innovating in a rapidly changing world.

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EP 26: The Role of Dissent in a Learning Organization

“Do I make room for dissent in my organization?” As leaders, we tend to equate harmony and collaboration with being a positive learning environment. In reality, the ability to disagree without fear of repercussion is often a stronger indicator of the health of our teams. As nonprofit leaders, how can we cultivate an environment of […]
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EP 25: Should You Invest More In Leaders & Less In Programs? A Conversation with Jason Janz

The demands of leadership in the nonprofit sector are overwhelming right now.  The need to scale, serve, and make real impact can all too easily lead to neglecting personal wellbeing.  Oftentimes we seem to be faced with the difficult decision of choosing between investing in program development or investing in our staff. It’s time to […]
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EP 24: Hard Choices, High Impact: Navigating Nonprofit Financial Viability

Are your nonprofit’s programs financially viable?  Are they delivering the desired outcomes?  Is it even possible to find a balance? Sometimes it feels like nonprofit leaders are jugglers, trying to keep multiple balls in the air at the same time. The truth is, they often are. Juggling the financial viability of programs while also striving […]
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EP 23: Neck-Down Learning: How To Lead Well From Within

“We don’t need more knowledge, we need more learning.” – Tucker Wannamaker As nonprofit leaders, we’re deeply committed to our communities and the causes we serve.  Unfortunately, the demands of our roles often leave us with little time for deep introspection and self-care.  The journey to effective leadership begins with leading ourselves. So how can […]
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EP 22: When Willpower Isn’t Enough: Cultivating Personal Growth

“When we choose growth over perfection, we immediately increase our shame resilience.” – Brené Brown As nonprofit leaders, we know that personal growth is a key ingredient to being able to serve our communities well.  Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to let guilt and shame drive us away from achieving that growth. So how can […]
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EP 21: From Charity to Change: Mastering Effective Program Evaluation

How can you ensure your nonprofit is genuinely creating positive change rather than unintentionally causing harm?  Nonprofit leaders should aim to “do no harm”, and evaluating programs is a crucial step in ensuring that nonprofits are making a positive impact instead of causing unintended negative consequences.Unfortunately, it can be challenging to evaluate your programs effectively, […]
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EP 20: Are We Speaking The Same (Organizational) Language?

Do you find it challenging to streamline communication within your organization? Do your team members have different perspectives on how information should flow? It might be time to establish a shared language and approach for communication. After all, everything that takes place within an organization can be traced back to the countless conversations you and […]
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EP 19: Capacity Building 2.0 – Part 3: The Power of Pause, Connection, and Belonging

In the third episode of our Capacity Building 2.0 podcast series, Tucker and Sarah are joined by three thoughtful nonprofit leaders from Food to Power, a Colorado Springs organization whose mission is to cultivate a healthy, equitable food system in the greater Colorado Springs community.   Hear from these leaders as they share their experience […]
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EP 18: Having Gracious DEI Conversations Leveraging the XCHANGE Approach with Carolyn Colleen

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work is incredibly important. And yet, conversations around DEI can often be emotionally charged and difficult to navigate, leaving people feeling frustrated, confused, or even hurt. While many nonprofit leaders have good intentions when it comes to DEI conversations, they may not always know how to approach it in a […]
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EP 17: Using Impact Forecasting to Set the Stage for More Revenue with Skyler Badenoch and Stephanie Skryzowski

Sometimes from fear and shame, sometimes from overwhelm, sometimes from just too much on the plate — nonprofit leaders don’t go deep into their financials and forecast out what they want their impact to be and what revenue it will take to get there. In this episode, Tucker discusses the next normal in forecasting impact […]
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EP 16: Capacity Building 2.0 – Part 2: Go Beyond One-Off Trainings to Create Systemic Change

“Capacity Building” is a phrase that gets tossed around quite a bit in the nonprofit world, but what does it really mean, and how do you know if it’s even working?  Many capacity building models struggle with:  Overvaluing the expertise of experts vs. the wisdom of nonprofit leaders  Being one-off or transactional, rarely leading to […]
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EP 15: Rethinking How to Attract and Hire Good People with Alli Horst & Andy Magel

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the challenge of attracting and retaining top talent? You’re not alone. A recent survey by Nonprofit HR’s found that 42% of responding nonprofit leaders expected their employee turnover rates to increase in the coming year, with 80% of respondents saying that their organizations did not have a talent retention strategy […]
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