THRIVERS is taking a short break during the summer and we're looking forward to releasing more episodes soon!

THRIVERS: Nonprofit Leadership for the Next Normal

This is a podcast for nonprofit leaders. Why?

The landscape has never been more challenging. Lots of noise competing for revenue. Staff turnover is at an all-time high. Burnout is real.

Many leaders are trying to do everything by themselves. The truth is you’re not meant to do it alone.

Welcome to THRIVERS. This is a community of nonprofits leaders sharing the best ideas, cheering each other on in their wins, and innovating in a rapidly changing world.

Get nonprofit leadership insights right here online or on your favorite podcast player.

EP 38: Growth and Gratitude: A Leadership Year in Review with Barb Collura, Kathy Jamil, and Kirsten Taylor

The journey of leadership is marked by unique challenges and profound learnings (if you’re doing it right).  As 2023 comes to a close, this episode of THRIVERS offers a window into the reflective minds of three nonprofit leaders who have navigated these waters with resilience and innovation. Tucker and Sarah sit down with Barb Collura, […]
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EP 37: Celebrating the THRIVERS Community Journey

Leadership is a journey filled with constant evolution and growth. Sometimes that means closing one chapter to begin another. In this deeply personal and reflective episode, Tucker, accompanied by members of the THRIVERS community, takes a moment to mark the conclusion of this season of their collaborative journey.  Guests:Frankie Abralind – Founder of The Good […]
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EP 36: Wellbeing: Beyond the Buzzword with Dr. Dan Diamond

In a landscape where the pressures and challenges of leadership are constantly evolving, understanding and prioritizing wellbeing is more than beneficial; it’s essential. But what does “wellbeing” really mean for impact-driven leaders and their teams? Along with guest Dr. Dan Diamond, Tucker and Sarah aim to tackle this significant question as they unpack the multifaceted […]
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EP 35: Co-Creating the THRIVERS Manifesto

This episode has been a long time in the making. Since well before even dreaming of starting this podcast, in fact. Since the very beginnings of supporting nonprofit leaders, the need for a new language to articulate the shifts in leadership and organizational dynamics has been a constant topic at THRIVE IMPACT. Now, Tucker and […]
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EP 34: Going Behind the Scenes with Kathy Jamil from The United Way of Buffalo

What happens when nonprofit leaders come together to connect, learn, and grow? Tucker and Sarah break the mold with this episode, giving you a behind the scenes look into a 3-hour leadership workshop they recently facilitated with the United Way of Buffalo. Joined by Kathy Jamil, the Chief Program Officer of the United Way of […]
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EP 33: Capacity Building 2.0 – Part 4: Capacity = Knowing Your Capability

“Capacity Building” is a phrase that gets tossed around quite a bit in the nonprofit world, but what does it really mean, and how do you know if it’s even working?  In episode four of our Capacity Building 2.0 series, Tucker and Sarah reconnect with Jess Verplank, Deputy Director of Kids on Bikes, who participated […]
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EP 32: 8 Signs Your Strategic Plan Isn’t Working

Ever felt like your strategic plan is more of a relic than a roadmap? A strategic plan should be the lifeblood of any organization, guiding its direction and ensuring a cohesive approach to achieving its vision. Unfortunately, even the most meticulously crafted plans can end up collecting dust on the shelf instead of creating real […]
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EP 31: Operationalizing Your Goals: Connecting Strategy and Activity

Ever wondered how to transform grand strategic visions into concrete tasks for your team? Or how a strategic plan should play a part in the day-to-day? The hard part isn’t setting these objectives (okay, maybe a little). It’s in the journey from idea to implementation and not getting lost along the way. In this episode […]
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EP 30: Breaking the “Accountability” Stigma

What do you think of when you hear the word, “accountability”? For most people, it immediately brings to mind all the negative aspects of accountability, namely being held responsible for a mistake. This limited view of the word creates a tension between holding folks “accountable” and allowing them to learn. What if this understanding of […]
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EP 29: Drawing Out (and Leaning Into) the Best of Your Board

Have you ever struggled with striking the right balance with your board’s involvement in your mission? Encouraging your board to maintain their strategic focus, without veering into operational territories, or dictating the “how”, can be difficult to navigate The truth is that nonprofits are at their best when leaders can draw out and lean into […]
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EP 28: Fallibility on Display

“Do I acknowledge, and even allow others to witness, my own mistakes?” The fear of revealing our fallibility hinders our personal growth and the development of a genuine learning culture. We buy into the lie that as leaders we have to have it all together for the sake of our teams. This fear can form […]
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EP 27: Navigating Uncertainty More Effectively with Nisha Anand

“How do I steer my nonprofit through the uncertainty?” Nonprofit leadership often resembles navigating through uncharted territories. With shifting power dynamics, potential declines in philanthropy, and a persistent undercurrent of uncertainty, leaders grapple with a myriad of challenges while striving to keep their mission afloat. In this episode of THRIVERS, Tucker Wannamaker engages in a […]
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