THRIVERS is taking a short break during the summer and we're looking forward to releasing more episodes soon!

THRIVERS: Nonprofit Leadership for the Next Normal

This is a podcast for nonprofit leaders. Why?

The landscape has never been more challenging. Lots of noise competing for revenue. Staff turnover is at an all-time high. Burnout is real.

Many leaders are trying to do everything by themselves. The truth is you’re not meant to do it alone.

Welcome to THRIVERS. This is a community of nonprofits leaders sharing the best ideas, cheering each other on in their wins, and innovating in a rapidly changing world.

Get nonprofit leadership insights right here online or on your favorite podcast player.

EP 2: Strategic Planning – Part 2: Being Strengths-Based & Inclusive

Our second episode in the 4-part series on Strategic Planning looks at the role of co-creation and Appreciative Inquiry in facilitating inclusive, bottom-up approaches to change. Tune in to learn how unlocking the wisdom of the many can help supercharge y
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EP 1: Strategic Planning – Part 1: Why Strategic Planning?

In our kickoff episode, we're diving right into the deep end: Nonprofit Strategic Planning. We'll talk about how it's shifting from being a stodgy, outdated obligation to being a prime opportunity for organization-wide involvement and inclusion.
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