Impact-Driven Leadership Insights

Our dedicated team of impact-driven leaders commits to sharing valuable insights, learnings, and tips to help nonprofit and impact-driven leaders thrive so they can reach their maximum impact in the communities they serve.

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Explore articles and insights written specifically for Impact-Driven Leaders.

Building a strong culture with “Psychological Contracts”

Being a nonprofit leader is hard these days. There is a potential recession looming, staffing shortages abound, and in many cases, the need for the work has grown– in some areas exponentially. These conditions plopped in the middle of a world where everything moves at hyper-speed, can make it hard to build and maintain a […]
January 13, 2023
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How helpful would it be for your community to give you feedback and help you to hone the unique value you bring to them? Community co-creation is possible. Gathering community data and getting insight doesn’t have to look like a one-and-done survey (not very connective) or an all-day affair (exhausting). It can be fun, generative, […]
December 9, 2022
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Community Foundation Invests In Local Nonprofit Leadership Development

Pikes Peak Community Foundation and THRIVE IMPACT Partner to increase resiliency and capacity for nonprofit leaders in Colorado Springs in an innovative way Did you know that at least 50% of nonprofit leaders are burned out? We’re working hard to change that in Colorado Springs through a partnership between THRIVE IMPACT and the Pikes Peak Community Foundation (PPCF). […]
November 11, 2022
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The Pain Of An Irrelevant Strategic Plan

Every month at our free THRIVE IMPACT 101 workshop I ask, “Have you ever dealt with the pain of an irrelevant strategic plan?” And do you know how many people raise their hands?   Every. Single. Leader.  Why are strategic plans so painful for so many nonprofit leaders? Especially with how much we invest in them. […]
January 17, 2022
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Three Words for 2021

Happy New Year! You may be totally into new year’s resolutions. But if you’re like me, they don’t work very well for execution on a daily basis. Mainly because what I need are guideposts along the way that help me make focused decisions. So, what I’ve found much more helpful is a practice called “My […]
January 1, 2021
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6 powerful insights from 2020 in order to thrive in 2021

One thing we know is that as humans we don’t learn very well from our experiences if we don’t intentionally reflect on them and see how specific insights can help us moving forward.  So we asked ourselves…  From all of the conversations, all of the workshops, all of the feedback and data we’ve gathered from […]
January 1, 2021
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You’re Not An Employment Agency

It’s one of the toughest jobs that nonprofit CEOs have to face… the need for organizational staffing changes. Over the years, while serving as a CEO of different nonprofits, I have found myself often looking at an outdated organizational chart (if they had one!) and wondering – “What do all these people do?” and “How […]
August 9, 2020
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How Nonprofits Can Pivot to Earned Income

The coronavirus pandemic has forced nonprofits across the country to pivot in minor and significant ways, from changing how we deliver our services to how we engage our stakeholders.
May 20, 2020
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Growing Revenue by Building a Donor Community

We’re living in a time when there’s no playbook to follow. This is more than just any recession; it comes with many new and unknown variables.
May 13, 2020
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Crafting Successful Virtual Events

On our May 5th discussion Jeff Rum, nonprofit fundraising expert and CEO of Ignite: Action, answered these questions as our guest.
May 11, 2020
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Adapting Virtual Fundraising During The Pandemic

On April 28th, Brady Josephson, Managing Director of NextAfter, and Nate Andorsky, CEO of digital fundraising firm Creative Science, answered these questions.
April 30, 2020
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Leading Teams Remotely During the Pandemic

In our April 21st conversation, our co-founder Tucker Wannamaker answered these questions as our guest.
April 21, 2020
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