Setting and Achieving Goals

September 15, 2023 | 
1 minute read

It’s that time of year again. We’ve said goodbye to summer and are wrapping our heads around fall and preparing for the year’s final quarter. This time of year lends itself to goal-setting, reflection, and preparation for that final sprint. If there’s one thing we’ve learned in the last few years, it’s that many folks don’t know how to set goals. Many of us have ideas but can then fail to turn them into a tangible reality. 

While browsing LinkedIn recently, we came across four goal-setting frameworks that incorporate many of the concepts and ideas we love here at THRIVE IMPACT, including rapid cycles of trying, testing, failing, and trying again. The graphic below, from Justin Wright, CIO turned entrepreneur, sets out a few of the traditional but upgraded approaches to goal setting we all know, if not love, and a few new ones. 

In the comments on the post, many people were taken by the WOOP frame, particularly the idea of a pre-mortem. What challenges or roadblocks could get in the way? This is a question we frequently ask ourselves and our partners, and it helps folks to plan for what they already know or imagine might deter them from reaching their goals. 

The psychological hacks at the bottom of the graphic are instructive not just once you’ve set goals but to help you start setting them in the first place. Don’t have a rhythm around goal-setting and reflection? Create one and start learning into it! Create a WOOP for goal setting. Your future self will thank you. 

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