May 12, 2023 | 
2 minute read

This month’s story of impact is focused on part of our work with our THRIVER community about a 3-part workshop series we did called the “Impact into Story Energizer”.

The reason why a nonprofit exists is not to just do nice things in the world. It is to CREATE POSITIVE CHANGE!

Unfortunately, many times small, community-based nonprofits struggle with the resources and knowledge to evaluate the change they’re making in their community and then share clearly about that impact.

Enter the Impact into Story Energizer.

This 3-part workshop series aimed to support our THRIVERS working in or around programming, development or marketing to better understand:

the underlying logic of their programs, and then
work to translate that into a compelling story that can help them garner time, talent or treasure.

The key to all of this… The LOGIC MODEL. A clear sequence of understanding about the needs, the intervention, the outputs, the outcomes, and ultimately the long term impact.

Here’s our full report about the impact of the experience for those of you who want to dive deeper ––> the impact was astounding.

Overall, we had a rating of 9.65/10 across all 3 workshops and 100% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that this course “improved my ability to articulate my nonprofit’s impact” and “improved my ability to clearly communicate my nonprofit’s story”.

Scott Marble said → “(I’m) more educated, less intimidated, & more effective.”

Here is the word cloud of everyone’s answer in the survey to “What 3 words would you use to describe this workshop.”

Thank you to everyone who has donated to support THRIVERS – our community of small, community-based nonprofits. Your donations are having an impact. 

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