Re-energizing a Strategic Plan – 3 hour Operationalizing Workshop

March 17, 2023 | 
1 minute read

NAMI Colorado Springs plays an important role in improving the mental health of residents in Colorado Springs, CO and they needed support to take their current strategic plan and “energize” it by co-creating measurable goals and action plans for the year ahead.

Through our 3-hour Re-energize Your Strategic Plan workshop, the team generated success metrics for their strategic priorities and added more details to what measurable outcomes could look like for each priority in 2023.

From there, we invited them to self-select into small groups to brainstorm the activities to reach the targets, prioritize activities and identify what to complete in the next 30-60-90 days. They came out with action plans around all five of their key strategic priorities for the year!

At the end we asked them, “❤️ What was the most meaningful or valuable part of this workshop for you?” Here were their answers:

  • Lara: Teamwork
  • Kat: Togetherness. This was the most connected zoom I’ve ever experienced.
  • Kelly: Learning what’s most important to the rest of the team. I think we get tunnel vision sometimes in our own tasks.
  • Angela: Getting the whole picture with my team
  • Lori: Bringing greater clarity to our work, to how our work fits together. 💗
  • Kirk: Getting things out of my head and getting them on the screen instead
  • Sarah: Like watching colleagues get excited about what they are interested in
  • Lori – thank you for the time and focus. This is hard work, it’s better when we do it together – THANK YOU!

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