THRIVERS is taking a short break during the summer and we're looking forward to releasing more episodes soon!

THRIVERS: Nonprofit Leadership for the Next Normal

This is a podcast for nonprofit leaders. Why?

The landscape has never been more challenging. Lots of noise competing for revenue. Staff turnover is at an all-time high. Burnout is real.

Many leaders are trying to do everything by themselves. The truth is you’re not meant to do it alone.

Welcome to THRIVERS. This is a community of nonprofits leaders sharing the best ideas, cheering each other on in their wins, and innovating in a rapidly changing world.

Get nonprofit leadership insights right here online or on your favorite podcast player.

EP 40: A Lookback: 1.5 Years of Operationalizing a Strategic Plan with Greater Nashua Mental Health

The old method of strategic planning often feels like a rigid, top-down endeavor that stifles innovation and hinders genuine progress. The opposite of what it’s intended to do. It doesn’t have to be this way.  What if strategic planning was an evolving process driven by co-creation and continuous learning? A year and half later, Tucker […]
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EP 32: 8 Signs Your Strategic Plan Isn’t Working

Ever felt like your strategic plan is more of a relic than a roadmap? A strategic plan should be the lifeblood of any organization, guiding its direction and ensuring a cohesive approach to achieving its vision. Unfortunately, even the most meticulously crafted plans can end up collecting dust on the shelf instead of creating real […]
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EP 9: Ditching Top-Down Approaches to Change: Interview with Indy Frazee

How can nonprofit EDs & CEOs get more buy-in and create a more inclusive environment where their team feels like their voices are valued and part of the creation of strategy? It’s time to ditch the “top-down” leadership style and co-create.
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EP 5: Our Journey of Effective Strategic Planning – An Interview with Dr. Cynthia Whitaker

Curious to hear the outcome of putting the strategic planning practices we’ve been talking into action? Dr. Cynthia Whitaker shares the impact and outcomes it had in her organization in this episode.
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EP 4: Strategic Planning – Part 4: Learning Organizations

Learning doesn’t happen by accident. So why and how do we lean in and create an environment that fosters learning? This episode covers exactly that.
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EP 3: Strategic Planning – Part 3: Data-Driven Alignment

Our third episode in the 4-part series on Strategic Planning looks at the role of data in supporting nonprofits to understand their unique value and demonstrate their impact.
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EP 2: Strategic Planning – Part 2: Being Strengths-Based & Inclusive

Our second episode in the 4-part series on Strategic Planning looks at the role of co-creation and Appreciative Inquiry in facilitating inclusive, bottom-up approaches to change. Tune in to learn how unlocking the wisdom of the many can help supercharge y
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EP 1: Strategic Planning – Part 1: Why Strategic Planning?

In our kickoff episode, we're diving right into the deep end: Nonprofit Strategic Planning. We'll talk about how it's shifting from being a stodgy, outdated obligation to being a prime opportunity for organization-wide involvement and inclusion.
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