An Inspiring Workplace: How to Make your Organization an Employer of Choice

Uncover strategies to handle thorny workplace challenges and build a world-class culture!

Staffing and culture are words on most nonprofit leaders’ lips these days. Why? Because recruiting, retaining, and supporting staff can sometimes feel like nothing short of a miracle. 

Let’s face it,  many nonprofits lack the resources to address workplace and culture issues, both in terms of handling challenging situations and providing the support and opportunities for growth that staff rightfully demand these days. This workshop will equip you with new insights into how to do this well and connect you to nonprofit leaders facing similar challenges.

woman placing sticky notes on wall

November 15th, 2022 10:00am - 12:00pm MST

Jessica Shpall Rosen, Partner at Greenwald Doherty LLP

Dewayne Blackmon, Director of Regional Operations at Travis Manion Foundation

Thomas Cochet, Director of People at Travis Manion Foundation

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In this workshop you'll...

Learn how to handle thorny workplace challenges
Find out how to guide, manage and mentor staff
Identify what it takes to build a world-class culture

This is a 2-hour interactive workshop featuring nonprofit leaders from across the country and several experts in nonprofit HR, law, management, and culture.

Guests include Jessica Shpall Rosen a partner at national employment and labor firm, Greenwald Doherty LLP. Jessica helps organizations untangle workplace legal issues. Working closely with business leaders, she helps organizations avoid and resolve employment law challenges and disputes, allowing them to focus on what they do best: building.

Also joining us will be Dewayne Blackman, Director of Regional Operations, and Thomas Cochet, Director of People, both from Travis Manion Foundation (TMF). For the past three consecutive years, Travis Manion Foundation has been recognized as a top 10 “Best Nonprofits to Work for” by the Nonprofit Times. TMF’s staff of 75 always remains committed to its mission of empowering veterans and they never forget one of its core values, out of many, one. This commitment to being a part of a larger team allows TMF to create a quality workplace for all of its employees.

This workshop will provide you with practical tools to help you navigate workplace challenges and identify how to build a world-class culture!

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